
Welcome to the SLC - Ideas for Leaders UK

Welcome to the SLC

Welcome to the Sustainable Leadership Community from Ideas for Leaders, we are delighted to have you part of this growing group of managers who are leveraging the opportunity to build their leadership practice.

This page contains important information to enable you to get the most out of the community – we encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read it through.

Developing Leaders Quarterly

As part of your membership of the community, you will receive a print copy of Developing Leaders Quarterly, four times a year. We can send this to any address in the UK – but we need to know where, so please be sure to enter your preferred address (it can be your home, your work address, or anywhere else that is convenient for you to receive it). You can add the address by logging-in to your Account and clicking on the ‘Your Account’ link in the menu options at the top right of the screen. And then on the left-hand menu ‘My Profile’ scroll to the bottom, click the pen icon to edit the ‘Shipping Address’ entry, and click the Update button when done.

You can access the full digital archive of Developing Leaders Quarterly back issues by going to the community page for DLQ where you will find the current log-in details for the site, there is also a link to this page on the community home page. 

WhatsApp Comms

We will stay in contact with members by email for all important announcements.

However, for more immediate updates – new sessions, and in-session messages – plus other notifications, we would like to send you messages via our Community Group on WhatsApp.

If you already use WhatsApp just add your mobile phone number to the Phone Number field on the Your Profile page, as outlined in the Developing Leaders Quarterly section above, and we will send you an invitation to join the group.

If you do not already use WhatsApp – but would like to be part of the community WhatsApp group – you will need to add your phone number, as above – and also download the WhatsApp app to your mobile phone via the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

Leadership Learning

Finally, the Sustainable Leadership Community is a platform for you to have time and space to think about leadership and its practice. 

There is nothing hugely complex about good leadership – but it does need us to attend to it, just like maintaining a healthy body requires us to attend to our diet and our exercise regimes. The community is here to create that space. We offer 90-minute sessions every month for you to listen to a respected thought-leader share their insights, but more importantly we bring together others who are doing the same thing at the same time, and we enable you to explore and discuss these themes together. While none of this is magic – it is very difficult to create these conditions yourselves, or even within your own organizations.

Just like with dieting and exercise though, the onus is on you to ensure you make the most of these opportunities. By the sessions being online, it is very easy to access them, but it is also very easy to only be half-there with them too – the people who make the effort to really interact and engage fully in the discussion rooms will be the people who will gain the most from these events. It may be a cliché, but you will only get out of these, what you put in.

It is well-proven that learning requires effort. If you just want to listen to thought-leaders there are plenty out there for free to listen to on the internet… but to engage your mind in discussion with others, share your experiences and listen to others, make-sense of that discussion, and feedback the insights – that is not so simple to do elsewhere. And that is what is available here – so to get the most out of the community you will definitely need to open yourself up to it, make yourself a bit vulnerable in the discussion rooms, and reap the rewards from the networking that will surely follow.

The discussion sessions have two main functions – by discussing and exploring and sharing thoughts and insights on the session’s topics you will understand it much better, you will also embed it in your memory to retrieve later much more effectively AND you will be practicing key leadership skills of inviting others, facilitating, holding the space, and above all ‘listening to understand’. 

If you do this, the time will zip by in the sessions and you will undoubtedly find them much more stimulating and rewarding. 

Other Benefits of Membership

In addition to receiving print copies of Developing Leaders Quarterly and the monthly thought-leadership discussion sessions, community membership also brings you:

  • occasional additional bonus online events – watch out for these – or check for them on the Event Details page on the community site
  • access to nearly 1000 easy read summaries of academic research papers on leadership and organizational behaviour, that Ideas for Leaders has been creating for over a decade
  • and also our book reviews 
  • and previous webinars and podcasts
  • a monthly digest of top business books from getAbstract – the world’s premier business book summarizer
  • discounts on Ideas for Leaders‘ published books and online programs
  • occasional invitations to other leadership events, lectures and conferences

This is your community – so make the most of it.

If you have any questions please contact us on the WhatsApp channel or email us at

We look forward to meeting you online shortly,

Best wishes,

Roddy Millar and the Ideas for Leaders team