The Sustainable Leadership Community runs regular monthly online sessions with respected thought-leaders on the second Thursday of every month throughout the year. We also have occasional additional ‘bonus’ sessions.
Our regular and bonus sessions are listed below as we arrange and announce them. Each regular session will be 90 minutes long, the bonus sessions timings may vary.

April 10th, 2025 @ 2pm – Chris Monö on Natural Followership
The concept of Followership has been overlooked and downplayed for too long! There are far more followers than there are leaders, indeed every leader is a follower somewhere.
The idea behind followership is very clear – it is absolutely not a meek, sheep-like trailing along behind the leader; it is an active, empathetic and coherent role. It is largely about supporting the objective and not the individual; it is about collaboration; understanding the wider system. It is very much an active and vital role for those in the middle of organizations.
Chris Monö has been studying Natural Followership for two decades. His perspective is that so much of what we achieve is done in informal groups, where there is no designated leader. Everyone plays a part in supporting the objective though – whether that be going to the pub, arranging a group holiday, or running a voluntary club. Leaders step forward and then step back, when others with more time, energy, expertise are available.
If you are a member of the Sustainable Leadership Community – book your place for Chris’s 90 minute session here.
All you need to do is click the ‘join/register’ link and fill-in the very short form (your name and email) – but remember to also add it to your calendar!

May 8th, @ 2pm – Charles L Irvine on Learning from Elephants – How to use Conflict as a Natural Resource
Charles L Irvine is an inspirational speaker and special advisor who draws on 30 years of transformative thinking – working across all 15 Commercial, Public and Third Sectors across 24 countries to bring into focus unique and often unconventional thinking that defines strategy.
Growing up in South Africa at the height of apartheid galvanized and set Charles on a path of exploration from an early age driven by the fundamental question – how can the World be made better and its energy used as a force for good?
His compelling narrative style is built on the firm belief that we bring about change by liberating people to connect with their passions and ambitions. This allows for the exploration of a radical approach to positively exploit differences between people in organisations, communities and in our daily lives.
In this session Charles will explore how we change the assumptions we hold about Conflict, to see and use conflict as one of our organisation’s greatest resources. Once we see conflict in this way we move beyond win/loose or win/win to Both-Gain TM outcomes that drive our thinking way beyond compromise.
If you are a member of the Sustainable Leadership Community – book your place for Charles’s 90 minute session here.
All you need to do is click the ‘join/register’ link and fill-in the very short form (your name and email) – but remember to also add it to your calendar!

June 12th, @ 2pm – Michelle Holliday on Stewarding the System
Michelle Holliday is a consultant, facilitator, researcher and globally recognized thought leader, whose work centres around “thrivability” – a set of perspectives and practices based on a view of organizations and communities as dynamic living systems.
For more than two decades, she has supported pioneering, purpose-driven clients across a wide range of sectors, including tourism, agriculture, eldercare and education, to enable the transition to more regenerative systems and structures.
Michele believes that ‘there is so much to learn from nature and how it elegantly navigates complexity with creativity and resilience. Yet we typically think of organizations and communities in mechanistic terms, seeing them as separate from ourselves and seeking to manage, control and “re-engineer” them. While this has given us many benefits, it is also falling short in critical, even catastrophic ways. In recognizing our organizations and communities as dynamic, self-organizing living systems, we discover more effective ways of guiding them. And we set off on a pathway to greater wisdom, compassion and thriving.”
In this session Michelle will share her insights and thinking with us and ask us to review our own worlds through this different lens, and see how where the opportunities and challenges in leveraging our own system lie.
If you are a member of the Sustainable Leadership Community – book your place for Michelle’s 90 minute session here.
All you need to do is click the ‘join/register’ link and fill-in the very short form (your name and email) – but remember to also add it to your calendar!