
About Us – Ideas for Leaders UK

The Sustainable Leadership Community has been created by Ideas for Leaders to offer a low-cost and flexible route for managers to access and strengthen their leadership development.

Ideas for Leaders

Ideas for Leaders has been working with the world’s leading business schools for over 10 years. We promote their best research and making it simple and easy to access in our Ideas section; and have a built an enviable reputation with and network to the world’s premier thought-leaders on leadership and related topics.

Not Rocket Science

Research consistently shows that good leadership significantly improves organizational outcomes – improving productivity, resilience, innovation and profitability. We see that many aspects of good leadership being championed like psychological safety, purpose and collaboration. None of these elements are ‘rocket science’ to acquire or practice – but they all require you to be intentional and aware about practicing them.

Extended Period of Time

We believe that this only really can happen over an elongated period of time – you cannot significantly change your behaviour in a short-programme; but will do so via a series of incremental changes over an extended period.

We also believe that most managers and executives neither have the time in their schedules, nor the finance in their development budgets to attend short programs – whether they be 1-day or 3-weeks long.


So, we have designed the Sustainable Leadership Community to offer regular, 90-minute online engagements, catalysed and provoked by a respected thought-leader and then to discuss and explore the topic with a group of peers, from a cross-section of sectors.

Discussion leads to Change

It is this focus on discussion where the real learning and change happens. Exploring the topic with a diverse group of peers allows different perspectives and solutions to be shared, and enables you to identify new behaviours and methodologies you can put into action.

Just One Thing

At the end of each session we ask you to highlight ‘just one thing’ that you will take away and try and put into action. This will be listed on your personal account page – and by the end of the year you will be able to look back at your list of